Rice three delights. Step by step recipe
Rice three delights is a perfect garnish that almost matches with any type of dish. In addition, it’s very easy to cook and to be preserved, and everyone in the house will love it! If you still don’t know how to cook rice three delights, this step-by-step recipe is for you!
Rice three delights. Step by step recipe
Ingredients for rice three delights
Ingredients for rice three delights
- 1 glass of jasmine rice
- 2 carrots
- 100 gr. canned peas
- 150 gr. ham cubes
- 2 eggs
- Soy Sauce
- Salt
- Sugar
- Olive or sunflower oil.
Preparation of the ingredients
- Boil the rice. It’s one of the longest steps as it usually takes about 10 minutes to be ready. You can continue with the following steps while it is boiling. Drain and set aside for later.
- Cut the carrots into small cubes. Boil them until they start to get soft. Store them in a container where you can mix all the ingredients.

- Cut the ham into small cubes.
- Whisk the eggs with a little salt and a pinch of sugar. Pour into a hot frying pan. You can prepare them in the French omelette style or as scrambled eggs. To make the recipe easier, I preferred to make scrambled eggs.

- In a large enough bowl, combine the carrots, the peas, the ham and the scrambled egg.

Preparation of the dish
- Heat some oil in a frying pan and saute the rice.

- Pour some soy sauce into the rice to make it more tasteful. Be careful of not adding too much sauce because it could become too much salty.

- Add the rest of the ingredients to the pan with the rice and continue sauteing them for a few minutes. And that’s it! The rice three delights will be ready to be served.


As you can see, the preparation of this dish is very simple. In addition to the listings at the beginning of this post, you can almost add any ingredient to it. Mushrooms, prawns, chicken tacos, crab… It’ll be delicious anyway!
If you are curious about gastronomy, I recommend you this post to know more about of the origin of this recipe.
If you are a gastronomy lover and you enjoy trying dishes from other countries… check out the rest of the recipes in this blog. I’m sure you’re going to love them!
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